Diet Disruption
The Weight Loss Solution
For the Chronic Serial Dieter
Deep breath. It’s your time.
Finally break free from the vicious cycle of merry-go-round dieting and learn how to lose the weight for good!
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Does this sound like your story?
Your weight impacts everything.
Your social life. Your marriage. Your kids. How you think and feel about yourself.
But you’ve tried everything – ALL the diets – and the weight comes back with a vengeance every. single. time…
…and brings with it a heavy, heaping serving of guilt, shame, and discouragement that you are trapped, broken, a failure.
Let me get louder than that nasty, mean voice in your head for just a second:
You are not alone. And you are not a failure.
It’s Time To Get Your Life Back.
No, it’s not too late.
Yes, it is possible for you!
“I wish I had had this book 50+ years ago.”
“I wish I had had this book fifty plus years ago when I started my first diet at age 12, or when I continued to deprive myself during the next 5 decades, constantly searching for the magic answers that would work for me through the misguided diet and exercise trends of the day. Jennifer reveals a deep understanding of the female psyche and situation and provides a compelling argument for holistic change and a sustainable way to approach weight loss and good health.”

“Read this book!”
“If you’ve been looking for someone to climb into your head and help excavate what’s been holding you back from losing the weight you so desperately want to lose, read this book! Jen’s science-based knowledge, combined with “been there done that” experience will shift what you thought was possible for yourself (beyond just weight loss!). How am I so confident? I’ve lost over 40 pounds in the past year working with Jen.”
“I thought weight loss was just about the food…this book revealed it’s about so much more.”
“For so many years, I thought weight loss was about just the food and the weight. This book has revealed that it’s about so much more. It’s about our beliefs, our thoughts, hopes, dreams and desires. This book provides tips, tactics and simple approaches for weight loss that simply work. A fantastic guide to help you begin your transformation.”

Who is this book for?
It’s for smart, successful, busy women like you who are ready to learn what permanent weight loss requires so you no longer feel held back by your weight.
This is the perfect Binge-Read Book For You If…
Honest Reviews From Women
who deeply understand the chronic dieting struggle
I couldn’t put it down!
“If I had to choose one book from the plethora of “diet” books out there, this would be the one I would choose. Thinking this would be another author capitalizing on the vulnerable diet crowd, I was pleasantly surprised that couldn’t be further from the truth. Honestly, I couldn’t put it down! This is a carefully written, easy-to-read, well-thought manual from someone who gets it, has been there and walks the talk along with the credentials to back it up. There are in-depth explanations for why and how we eat, how to get past the constant barrage of conflicting diet info and, best of all, how to get back on track with common sense, easy-to-follow life-changing strategies. Kudos!”

This book is a life changer!
“This book is a breath of fresh air in the otherwise murky and confusing world of dieting. Jen’s approach is grounded in science, tailored to the unique dietary and emotional needs of women, and based on the realities most women face day in and day out. She definitely walks the talk, and her brutally honest sharing of her own weight loss experience is both inspiration and revelation. This book is a life changer!”
Finally! Someone who is telling the truth!
“Finally! Someone who is telling women the truth about the diet industry and how it has failed them! As a how-to guide, this book is brimming with honest, straightforward knowledge and strategies every woman can use to overcome their past failures regarding weight loss. Jen is the real deal, no BS, and provides deep resources in this book with the whole truth about why this Disruption is needed for all of us who are choosing to take control of our lives and lose the weight for the last time.”
A.J. Jones
I Believe Radical Transformation
Requires Radical Honesty
“Jennifer really ‘gets it’. Her first two chapters are raw and real as if I were reading my own thoughts…” M. Bereska
“Jen definitely walks the talk, and her brutally honest sharing of her own weight loss experience is both inspiration and revelation. This book is a life changer!”
“I could not put it down… I found it enthralling and I could really feel that it is very much like my story.”
“Jennifer gets inside your head and calls you out on all your excuses, then teaches you the reasons behind them and strategies to overcome them…”
“Jen says it like it is with honest, encouraging and valuable ideas to help you make the changes easily.”
Real Talk About The
Real Impact
Deep breath, I got you.
Hi friend, I’m Jen.
Has your weight ever caused you so much misery you want to hide from your own life?
It’s been over 10 years now since I’ve lived with complete food and body freedom – but I will never forget the constant feelings of embarrassment and shame that I existed with day-to-day.
Worried about who I might run into at the coffee shop or grocery store.
Always being behind the camera taking pictures but God forbid I was in a picture.
Pushing my husband’s advances away and rejecting him.
Really, I was rejecting myself.
I hated my weight, hated parts of myself and pieces of my life.
If this is you, you’re not alone.
This book will set you free and put you back on the right path. It’s ok if you’ve been lost for a while or took a detour and didn’t know how to get back on track.
You will figure that out as you read this.
It’s time to understand what you need to be fully nourished: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and sexually.
If one of those pieces is off or out of whack there will be an emotional void and it’s tempting to use food to fill it – but it never works.
It’s a bandaid on an emotional bullet wound.

I wrote this book so I could reignite your hope and inner resolve to go after your weight loss goal ONE more time but do it in a different way.
Shift your thinking, shift your mindset – and you will dramatically shift the results you create.