Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

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How to apply the 80/20 rule

Have you ever felt frustrated because you were doing all of the right things (eating well + exercising) but still not getting the results you want? I’ve been there and remember not understanding why things weren’t changing in my body the way I wanted them to. What I didn’t understand then was that I had [...]

How to apply the 80/20 rule2017-10-01T07:26:29-07:00

A tip for the weekend

Learning how to do this has changed my life. I'm hoping it will do the same for you... Batch Cooking! Making meal times easy can be simple when you get in the habit of batch cooking. All batch cooking requires is having your meals roughly planned out so you can think ahead and cook a [...]

A tip for the weekend2017-10-01T07:01:01-07:00

My top 5 favorite healthy snacks

I love food. I love to read about food and get recipe ideas from blogs and magazines. I love to shop for food. I love preparing food. And more than anything, I love to eat food! And I love to eat good food which also includes what I snack on. Snacks are a key part [...]

My top 5 favorite healthy snacks2016-10-17T17:14:54-07:00

Do you hara hachi bu?

Do you know what hara hachi bu means??? I didn’t either but I think it’s a perfect tool to apply in your own life regarding eating + weight loss. Is your curiosity killing you? Simply click the link below to learn more...I totally explain why engaging in the practice of hara hachi bu can be [...]

Do you hara hachi bu?2017-10-01T07:00:49-07:00

Simple Sauteed Kale

I don’t know about you but I certainly didn’t grow up eating kale. In fact, there was a point when I didn’t even know what that funny leafy green vegetable in the grocery store was called. I knew it wasn’t lettuce - too wrinkly! But now? I eat it almost every single day. I make [...]

Simple Sauteed Kale2016-10-17T17:14:59-07:00

How many grams of sugar is ok? Do you know?

I often get told “Jen, I just don’t eat that much” and while that may be true one of the areas that’s often neglected when people think about their day and what they’ve consumed are the liquid calories - pop, juice, wine...all that sort of thing. The thing about liquid calories is we can drink [...]

How many grams of sugar is ok? Do you know?2017-09-23T16:51:45-07:00

Prep Your Veggies for Weight Loss Success

A lot of people tell me that they just don’t have time to spend in their kitchen mussing around with getting things set up for the week. Yet, recent stats say that the average person watches 35 hours of TV a week. So, I got curious - how long does it take me to prep [...]

Prep Your Veggies for Weight Loss Success2017-10-01T07:36:52-07:00

Here’s why 5lbs is a big deal

We all know that we can see big fluctuations on the scale hour to hour and day to day - most often we think something along the lines of “Oh great! I’ve lost 5 lbs!!!” or “Ugggg, I knew I shouldn’t have ate that pasta, I’ve gained 5lbs. But is it pure fat that we’re [...]

Here’s why 5lbs is a big deal2017-10-01T07:37:16-07:00

3 Tell Tale Signs You’re An Emotional Eater

Last week I talked a lot about how diets don't work because they don't take care of the "feelings" part of being human. My inbox got flooded with questions about emotional eating. There's so much that goes on in our life sometimes food becomes our go-to "quick fix". Click here to find out if you are an [...]

3 Tell Tale Signs You’re An Emotional Eater2017-10-01T07:38:38-07:00

Ditch the diet and go after happiness instead

This video is about something I think more health coaches need to be talking about. It's regarding the real honest truth about why diets simply aren't the answer to our weight loss problems. I mean, I know we know that on some level - but this takes it to a deeper level. Click here to see what [...]

Ditch the diet and go after happiness instead2020-11-16T12:02:00-07:00
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