Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Are You Ready to Talk?

3 Steps To Stop Coping With Food or Alcohol When Losing Weight

Lots of programs, diets, and experts spend most of their time discussing all the things you need to do to lose weight and keep it off. And while, yes, chances are you’ve found yourself reading this today because you want to lose weight and keep it off - there is another component and it’s crucial [...]

3 Steps To Stop Coping With Food or Alcohol When Losing Weight2018-11-04T10:17:33-07:00

How Often You Should Weigh Yourself When Trying To Lose Weight

Have a love/hate relationship with the scale? Then, this is for you. One of the biggest hurdles women face on their weight loss journey is effectively detangling their self-worth from a number. This number can instantly wreak havoc on your self-worth, the clothes you wear; if you are going to go out tonight and it [...]

How Often You Should Weigh Yourself When Trying To Lose Weight2018-11-04T10:17:18-07:00

Big Feelings: How to Not Overeat When Emotions Run High

When emotions run high, the temptation to eat or drink can be high, too! How can you manage this? The first thing to recognize is that these are universal struggles. Every person, at some point, is going to have something happen that will bring about certain emotions. Big feelings like incredible stress, sadness, loneliness, heartbreak [...]

Big Feelings: How to Not Overeat When Emotions Run High2021-12-09T16:46:27-07:00

What to Eat at Your Next BBQ, Holiday Party, or Special Event

Summer is going to happen every year of your life. Christmas is also going to happen. You will go to a BBQ. You will travel to a family reunion. Or go to a wedding or a road trip in the car. You will be at events where food feels like the main event throughout your [...]

What to Eat at Your Next BBQ, Holiday Party, or Special Event2020-11-16T12:03:54-07:00

Self-Sabotage Is Normal With Weight Loss. Here’s How You Handle It.

“Jen, how do I do this? How do I get out of my own way?” This question comes up a lot. So many women think it’s just willpower and motivation. Or you think you need to move more and eat less. It’s not your fault that you feel this way. The diet industry has been [...]

Self-Sabotage Is Normal With Weight Loss. Here’s How You Handle It.2021-01-07T13:05:04-07:00

Turns Out Weight Loss Really Is About This One Thing

In the past few weeks, I’ve personally spoken with 25 women about their weight loss struggles (and successes). And what I’ve found is that although weight loss is different for everyone, there is a universal thread that comes up again and again. But first, let me ask you this: Do you ever feel like you [...]

Turns Out Weight Loss Really Is About This One Thing2020-11-16T11:58:57-07:00

The Real Reason You Aren’t Losing Weight And 3 Ways To Change It

You don’t have a weight loss problem. Honestly. You don’t.  You might have some mindset confusion, commitment roadblocks, or a few accountability challenges - this is normal. But it’s not that you can’t lose weight. Weight loss is the most transformative journey a woman can go on because you can't escape yourself or your thoughts [...]

The Real Reason You Aren’t Losing Weight And 3 Ways To Change It2020-11-16T12:00:20-07:00

The Real Reason Diets Keep Failing You

There’s no shortage of information, blogs, how-tos and guides for losing weight. And yet, weight loss is the biggest thing women struggle with. If it was as simple as just following the workouts, meal plans, and blog advice, you would have done it by now.  Am I right? The biggest gap doesn’t exist with your [...]

The Real Reason Diets Keep Failing You2020-11-16T12:07:53-07:00

The Do’s and Don’ts of Sticking to a Weight Loss Program

Women ask me this all the time… “What does it take to stick to a weight loss program, Jen?” Even by the phrasing of the sentence above, I immediately sense the disparity between a “program” and a “lifestyle.” You decide to do a cleanse, try Whole 30 every January, or P90X to get ready for [...]

The Do’s and Don’ts of Sticking to a Weight Loss Program2019-04-25T08:24:13-07:00

Why Sleep Is The #1 Factor Holding You Back from Healthy Weight Loss

There is a majorly overlooked factor affecting your weight loss. There is a good chance you have no idea what it is. And, you need it if you want to get healthy - and stay that way! Can you guess it? It’s called sleep. Now, I see you reading this thinking, “Ok Jen, I know [...]

Why Sleep Is The #1 Factor Holding You Back from Healthy Weight Loss2018-06-25T18:19:08-07:00
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