Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Are You Ready to Talk?

Transformation Requires Courage: It Starts With Feeling Your Feelings [Podcast Episode #012]

The reason that weight loss is such a transformative journey is because you can’t escape yourself. You are left alone with your thoughts and everything that you let come into your mind influences how you feel - both physically and emotionally. This often influences how you act and the decisions you make. What’s popular in [...]

Transformation Requires Courage: It Starts With Feeling Your Feelings [Podcast Episode #012]2017-10-30T13:31:53-07:00

5 Radical Truths About Healthy Weight Loss with Lisa Goldberg [Podcast Episode #011]

If you want to lose weight you have to change the habits, behaviors and old patterns that lead you to becoming overweight in the first place. Most people just try to change their food - that’s not enough. Every woman, in her heart of hearts, knows that the quick fix doesn’t work! You have to [...]

5 Radical Truths About Healthy Weight Loss with Lisa Goldberg [Podcast Episode #011]2017-10-30T13:32:18-07:00

From Wired & Tired to Thriving in Life Again with Dr. Mariza Snyder [Podcast Episode #010]

Have you noticed it? Or maybe you’re a part of it… The norm is for high-functioning, high-capacity, successful women to live life exhausted thinking that how they feel is just “normal”. They exist in a chronically depleted state and then they tell themselves “that’s just the way it is”, “it’s normal”, “that’s how it is [...]

From Wired & Tired to Thriving in Life Again with Dr. Mariza Snyder [Podcast Episode #010]2017-10-30T13:31:01-07:00

Simple Food Prep Tips with Sarica Cernohous [Podcast Episode #008]

The other week I was teaching a workshop to 25 women who were under 40 years old  (they were new moms) and I asked the question, “Who here feels like their mom taught them how to cook?” Only ONE woman put up her hand!! I was shocked, but not really as it supported the fact [...]

Simple Food Prep Tips with Sarica Cernohous [Podcast Episode #008]2017-10-30T13:29:30-07:00

Exercise & Healthy Habit Building with Dave Smith [Podcast Episode #007]

Chances are you feel busy and like there just isn’t enough time to fit everything into your day. If you’re like most people, the first thing to go is taking care of yourself. I mean sure, you still shower and eat (probably not the healthiest choices), but you probably don’t fit in those other important [...]

Exercise & Healthy Habit Building with Dave Smith [Podcast Episode #007]2017-10-30T13:25:45-07:00

Shocking Sugar Facts And The Surprising Impact It’s Having On Your Life [Podcast Episode #006]

It’s been said that sugar is the worst legalized drug of all, that it acts like cocaine or heroin in the brain and that it’s more addictive than both of those drugs. North Americans are consuming sugar like never before - in fact, on average, ~160 lbs of sugar per year are consumed by the [...]

Shocking Sugar Facts And The Surprising Impact It’s Having On Your Life [Podcast Episode #006]2017-06-23T03:57:00-07:00

How to Heal When You’re Ready To Give Up with Dr. Shiroko Sokitch [Podcast Episode #005]

There can be many things that you don’t want to see, feel, pay attention to or deal with in your life. They hurt. There’s pain. It feels like too much. Yet those very things - those challenges - can pave the way to a better life IF you’re able to heal and move on. For [...]

How to Heal When You’re Ready To Give Up with Dr. Shiroko Sokitch [Podcast Episode #005]2017-10-30T13:24:03-07:00

Shocking Truths About Hormones, Menopause & Fitness with Debra Atkinson [Podcast Episode #004]

Feel like you’re going through a mid-life crisis? Is life just hitting hard lately? If you’re in your 40’s or 50’s chances are you’ve been through a few life storms (or maybe you’re smack dab in the middle of one right now) and you may have found that your self care has become non-existent. Maybe [...]

Shocking Truths About Hormones, Menopause & Fitness with Debra Atkinson [Podcast Episode #004]2017-10-30T13:20:37-07:00

What It Takes to Keep Your Weight Loss Promise

Energy To Thrive Podcast has been downloaded over 450 times! And I am just so thrilled because helping women realize there is a better way to get healthy is what it’s all about for me. The weight loss industry has been carefully designed to fool you and keep you coming back for more. I want you to [...]

What It Takes to Keep Your Weight Loss Promise2017-06-30T16:01:30-07:00
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