Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Are You Ready to Talk?

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals With These 5 Steps

If you’ve been thinking about wanting to lose weight, the real question becomes how do you make it permanent this time? Because, chances are, you’ve lost weight before - it worked - but it didn’t last, and you are looking to figure out a way to achieve healthy permanent weight loss. The good news is [...]

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals With These 5 Steps2020-11-16T12:07:23-07:00

Successful Weight Loss Means Doing This First

You want to be successful with weight loss. Sure, you’ve lost weight before but it comes back, and when that happens it makes you feel like a failure or that somehow you just don’t have what it takes. (Not true, by the way. We’ll get to that.) All those nasty voices seep in and it [...]

Successful Weight Loss Means Doing This First2020-11-16T12:03:23-07:00

3 Steps To Stop Coping With Food or Alcohol When Losing Weight

Lots of programs, diets, and experts spend most of their time discussing all the things you need to do to lose weight and keep it off. And while, yes, chances are you’ve found yourself reading this today because you want to lose weight and keep it off - there is another component and it’s crucial [...]

3 Steps To Stop Coping With Food or Alcohol When Losing Weight2018-11-04T10:17:33-07:00

How Often You Should Weigh Yourself When Trying To Lose Weight

Have a love/hate relationship with the scale? Then, this is for you. One of the biggest hurdles women face on their weight loss journey is effectively detangling their self-worth from a number. This number can instantly wreak havoc on your self-worth, the clothes you wear; if you are going to go out tonight and it [...]

How Often You Should Weigh Yourself When Trying To Lose Weight2018-11-04T10:17:18-07:00

Why Suffering Is Part of Healthy Weight Loss (No, Seriously)

Twenty-six-year-old, very idealistic me was sitting front row at an event at my university. The man speaking said this… “Suffering is inevitable. It’s part of life…” he announced to the crowd. I remember thinking, this is pretty dark don’t you think? Like I said, I was twenty-six and not *much* had happened to me just [...]

Why Suffering Is Part of Healthy Weight Loss (No, Seriously)2018-11-04T10:17:04-07:00

Big Feelings: How to Not Overeat When Emotions Run High

When emotions run high, the temptation to eat or drink can be high, too! How can you manage this? The first thing to recognize is that these are universal struggles. Every person, at some point, is going to have something happen that will bring about certain emotions. Big feelings like incredible stress, sadness, loneliness, heartbreak [...]

Big Feelings: How to Not Overeat When Emotions Run High2021-12-09T16:46:27-07:00

What to Eat at Your Next BBQ, Holiday Party, or Special Event

Summer is going to happen every year of your life. Christmas is also going to happen. You will go to a BBQ. You will travel to a family reunion. Or go to a wedding or a road trip in the car. You will be at events where food feels like the main event throughout your [...]

What to Eat at Your Next BBQ, Holiday Party, or Special Event2020-11-16T12:03:54-07:00

Self-Sabotage Is Normal With Weight Loss. Here’s How You Handle It.

“Jen, how do I do this? How do I get out of my own way?” This question comes up a lot. So many women think it’s just willpower and motivation. Or you think you need to move more and eat less. It’s not your fault that you feel this way. The diet industry has been [...]

Self-Sabotage Is Normal With Weight Loss. Here’s How You Handle It.2021-01-07T13:05:04-07:00

Clearing Up The Confusion Around Exercise and Weight Loss

Exercise for real people with real lives. That’s the goal, right? But first, you have to break down the role exercise is playing in your weight loss. Actually, I have a feeling exercise is not currently fulfilling its best role and you probably don’t even realize it. The major problem is that too many women [...]

Clearing Up The Confusion Around Exercise and Weight Loss2018-06-19T16:43:26-07:00

Food As A Reward: How to Break The Cycle

What are the “secrets” of food and body freedom? Maybe you see other women and think, “What password did she access? Has this password been case sensitive my whole life, and no one told me?” You want to know if there are specific answers or steps that make it all make sense for you. Your [...]

Food As A Reward: How to Break The Cycle2021-11-02T11:30:38-07:00
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