Learn how to lose the weight AND keep it off.
The Real Reason Diets Keep Failing You
There’s no shortage of information, blogs, how-tos and guides for losing weight. And yet, weight loss is the biggest thing women struggle with. If it was as simple as just following the workouts, meal plans, [...]
Weight Loss and Travel: The 4 Things You Need to Know
Feel like travel is the enemy of weight loss? Maybe you’ve been here before… You eat healthy food and workout for a few weeks or even a month, and you are feeling really good. But [...]
4 Ways to Train Yourself for Healthy Weight Loss
When I first started running, I absolutely hated it. I would head out and push my pace as hard as I could. My lungs would burn, my legs would feel heavy and it left me [...]
The Do’s and Don’ts of Sticking to a Weight Loss Program
Women ask me this all the time… “What does it take to stick to a weight loss program, Jen?” Even by the phrasing of the sentence above, I immediately sense the disparity between a “program” [...]
Food Can’t Fix Your Feelings: How to End Emotional Eating
When you think about what it means to be an “emotional eater,” the scene might look like this… A woman heads to the nearest convenience store and fills up one of those small metal baskets [...]
Why Sleep Is The #1 Factor Holding You Back from Healthy Weight Loss
There is a majorly overlooked factor affecting your weight loss. There is a good chance you have no idea what it is. And, you need it if you want to get healthy - and stay [...]