Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Are You Ready to Talk?

About Jennifer Powter

Jennifer coaches busy, successful women with imperfect lives who want to look and feel amazing from the inside out. With her tried-and-proven weight loss method—ENERGY to Thrive™—Jennifer takes the fascinating science of physiological transformation and breaks it down into six empowering steps.

43 Things About Your 40’s Compared to Your 30’s – Part 1

It’s my birthday week. I turn 43 years old today. The fact that my birthday is in January gives me double the opportunity to take stock of my life and the year ahead. For some reason it feels like I have this special super power to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. I have [...]

43 Things About Your 40’s Compared to Your 30’s – Part 12018-01-16T08:29:01-07:00

How To Stop Feeling Like Sh*t with Andrea Owen [Podcast Episode #018]

If there’s one thing women have in common it’s that we are really, *really* good at making ourselves feel crappy. We do this in a variety of ways from people pleasing to trying to be perfect; from catastrophizing to overachieving, or simply isolating ourselves and numbing out because feeling our feelings is simply too scary. [...]

How To Stop Feeling Like Sh*t with Andrea Owen [Podcast Episode #018]2018-01-03T17:20:19-07:00

Women Need To (re)Discover Their Sexuality & Libido For Overall Health with Dr. Keesha Ewers [Podcast Episode #017]

Did you know that 69% of women in a long-term committed relationship (I’m talking about over a year or more with the same partner) will no longer have spontaneous sexual desire? That means about half of all women simply don’t want to have sex.  And that, is not good if you’re wanting to live with [...]

Women Need To (re)Discover Their Sexuality & Libido For Overall Health with Dr. Keesha Ewers [Podcast Episode #017]2017-10-30T13:36:07-07:00

Raising Your Vibrational Energy With Shana Ekedal [Podcast Episode #016]

Living a good life is about so much more than just “being happy”. It’s about having having energy, being confident, feeling joyful, experiencing good health and being emotionally resilient to life’s ups and downs. Yet so many people don’t get to experience this, at least not consistently. Why is that? Join my special guest, Shana [...]

Raising Your Vibrational Energy With Shana Ekedal [Podcast Episode #016]2017-10-30T13:36:58-07:00

A Review Of The Embrace Documentary: A Controversial Standpoint [Podcast Episode #015]

All Taryn Brumfitt wanted to do was support her girlfriends and help them love and accept their bodies so she posted a “before” and “after” pic on Facebook. Except this wasn’t the typical kind of before and after photo - in this one, her before picture was of her looking ripped standing on stage in [...]

A Review Of The Embrace Documentary: A Controversial Standpoint [Podcast Episode #015]2017-10-30T13:33:29-07:00

Hungry For Happiness With Samantha Skelly [Podcast Episode #014]

Transformation happens when you become willing to go deep and do the emotional work that’s required, but often that’s the scariest place to go. It’s tempting to use food to numb out and stay stuck. But if you stay stuck you also stay, although facing your pain can be hard it’s easier than wasting [...]

Hungry For Happiness With Samantha Skelly [Podcast Episode #014]2017-10-30T13:34:18-07:00

Protect Your Health By Reducing Your Toxic Risk With Dr. Anne Marie Fine [Podcast Episode #013]

*** Please note that we did our best to adjust the audio quality of this interview. Unfortunately, I still sound a little echo-y but this interview was so amazing, and so jam packed full of good info I had to release it. Thanks for understanding. Enjoy! *** Your energy is the most important resource you have. [...]

Protect Your Health By Reducing Your Toxic Risk With Dr. Anne Marie Fine [Podcast Episode #013]2017-10-30T13:35:06-07:00

Transformation Requires Courage: It Starts With Feeling Your Feelings [Podcast Episode #012]

The reason that weight loss is such a transformative journey is because you can’t escape yourself. You are left alone with your thoughts and everything that you let come into your mind influences how you feel - both physically and emotionally. This often influences how you act and the decisions you make. What’s popular in [...]

Transformation Requires Courage: It Starts With Feeling Your Feelings [Podcast Episode #012]2017-10-30T13:31:53-07:00

5 Radical Truths About Healthy Weight Loss with Lisa Goldberg [Podcast Episode #011]

If you want to lose weight you have to change the habits, behaviors and old patterns that lead you to becoming overweight in the first place. Most people just try to change their food - that’s not enough. Every woman, in her heart of hearts, knows that the quick fix doesn’t work! You have to [...]

5 Radical Truths About Healthy Weight Loss with Lisa Goldberg [Podcast Episode #011]2017-10-30T13:32:18-07:00

From Wired & Tired to Thriving in Life Again with Dr. Mariza Snyder [Podcast Episode #010]

Have you noticed it? Or maybe you’re a part of it… The norm is for high-functioning, high-capacity, successful women to live life exhausted thinking that how they feel is just “normal”. They exist in a chronically depleted state and then they tell themselves “that’s just the way it is”, “it’s normal”, “that’s how it is [...]

From Wired & Tired to Thriving in Life Again with Dr. Mariza Snyder [Podcast Episode #010]2017-10-30T13:31:01-07:00
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