Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Are You Ready to Talk?

About Jennifer Powter

Jennifer coaches busy, successful women with imperfect lives who want to look and feel amazing from the inside out. With her tried-and-proven weight loss method—ENERGY to Thrive™—Jennifer takes the fascinating science of physiological transformation and breaks it down into six empowering steps.

Food As A Reward: How to Break The Cycle

What are the “secrets” of food and body freedom? Maybe you see other women and think, “What password did she access? Has this password been case sensitive my whole life, and no one told me?” You want to know if there are specific answers or steps that make it all make sense for you. Your [...]

Food As A Reward: How to Break The Cycle2021-11-02T11:30:38-07:00

The Real Reason Diets Keep Failing You

There’s no shortage of information, blogs, how-tos and guides for losing weight. And yet, weight loss is the biggest thing women struggle with. If it was as simple as just following the workouts, meal plans, and blog advice, you would have done it by now.  Am I right? The biggest gap doesn’t exist with your [...]

The Real Reason Diets Keep Failing You2020-11-16T12:07:53-07:00

Weight Loss and Travel: The 4 Things You Need to Know

Feel like travel is the enemy of weight loss? Maybe you’ve been here before… You eat healthy food and workout for a few weeks or even a month, and you are feeling really good. But then, it’s time for a vacation or work trip, and suddenly all your strategies go right out the door. Then, [...]

Weight Loss and Travel: The 4 Things You Need to Know2020-11-16T12:00:49-07:00

4 Ways to Train Yourself for Healthy Weight Loss

When I first started running, I absolutely hated it. I would head out and push my pace as hard as I could. My lungs would burn, my legs would feel heavy and it left me feeling exhausted and like a failure, because I couldn’t finish my run - I’d end up having to walk at [...]

4 Ways to Train Yourself for Healthy Weight Loss2018-05-23T13:19:35-07:00

The Do’s and Don’ts of Sticking to a Weight Loss Program

Women ask me this all the time… “What does it take to stick to a weight loss program, Jen?” Even by the phrasing of the sentence above, I immediately sense the disparity between a “program” and a “lifestyle.” You decide to do a cleanse, try Whole 30 every January, or P90X to get ready for [...]

The Do’s and Don’ts of Sticking to a Weight Loss Program2019-04-25T08:24:13-07:00

Food Can’t Fix Your Feelings: How to End Emotional Eating

When you think about what it means to be an “emotional eater,” the scene might look like this… A woman heads to the nearest convenience store and fills up one of those small metal baskets with cookies, package of mini doughnuts, ice cream, Snickers bar, Diet Coke, and a bag of chips. She heads back [...]

Food Can’t Fix Your Feelings: How to End Emotional Eating2020-11-16T12:01:05-07:00

Why Sleep Is The #1 Factor Holding You Back from Healthy Weight Loss

There is a majorly overlooked factor affecting your weight loss. There is a good chance you have no idea what it is. And, you need it if you want to get healthy - and stay that way! Can you guess it? It’s called sleep. Now, I see you reading this thinking, “Ok Jen, I know [...]

Why Sleep Is The #1 Factor Holding You Back from Healthy Weight Loss2018-06-25T18:19:08-07:00

How to Stop Falling Off the Weight Loss Wagon

Have you ever been here? You start a weight loss program, detox, cleanse, group program (you name it) and the first few days you are rocking it. But then, it doesn’t seem as fun, or something happens in your life - personally or professionally - and you get thrown off a bit, and you stop. [...]

How to Stop Falling Off the Weight Loss Wagon2018-04-19T13:59:22-07:00

5 Steps to Rewire Your Habits for Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss

What’s one thing you do every morning? Every night? Or even around 3 pm every day? Think about it for a second... You may be asking, “Jen, why do you want to know this?” And my answer would be this… We are a collection of all of our habits - whether good or bad. Identifying [...]

5 Steps to Rewire Your Habits for Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss2018-04-06T13:38:37-07:00

43 Things About Your 40’s Compared to Your 30’s – Part 2

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and happened to see a link to Oprah’s Golden Globe Speech so I clicked on it and watched. I truly think she is amazing and although everything she said had value, this is the line that stuck out for me: ..”What I know for sure is that [...]

43 Things About Your 40’s Compared to Your 30’s – Part 22018-01-29T09:58:10-07:00
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