Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Are You Ready to Talk?

About Jennifer Powter

Jennifer coaches busy, successful women with imperfect lives who want to look and feel amazing from the inside out. With her tried-and-proven weight loss method—ENERGY to Thrive™—Jennifer takes the fascinating science of physiological transformation and breaks it down into six empowering steps.

Organize Your Closet to Lose Weight This Spring. Here’s How

This is a blog about Marie Kondo. And I’m reallllyyy into it. Marie is the famous organizing consultant, author of the bestselling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and taking over Netflix with her new show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. In another life, I also think Marie could’ve been an incredible weight loss [...]

Organize Your Closet to Lose Weight This Spring. Here’s How2021-12-09T15:30:08-07:00

My Winter Favourites

I’m Jen Powter and I’m a brain science nerd. 🤓 Uncovering why we are the way we are and always looking to improve and innovative ways to do that realllyyyy excites me! Because you can’t change what you aren’t aware of. If you want to make peace with your body and create better experiences - [...]

My Winter Favourites2021-12-09T15:32:11-07:00

Drinking More Water & Fasting (And Other Stupid Things I’ve Been Hearing About Losing Weight)

“Drinking more water and fasting are free.” Someone wrote this in a comment on one of my YouTube videos. Ok, let’s break this down for a second… Yes, drinking more water and fasting are free - but neither is permanent. What I mean is neither is the answer to losing weight. You need food to [...]

Drinking More Water & Fasting (And Other Stupid Things I’ve Been Hearing About Losing Weight)2021-12-09T15:33:41-07:00

If You Want To Lose Weight, Think Like A Puppy

We got a puppy. He’s a St. Bernard/Poodle mix named Harley. (cue the oohs and He really is that cute. He’s also the best "health coach" I’ve ever seen. In the few weeks he’s been with us, I started to notice simple things he does that can directly impact your weight loss and health. [...]

If You Want To Lose Weight, Think Like A Puppy2021-12-09T15:45:51-07:00

Woman In The Mirror: Your Answer To Permanent Weight Loss

Physiologically, there are very few barriers to healthy, permanent weight loss.  This means that weight loss is something you can absolutely expect from yourself. So, what is in the way? Is it hormones, metabolism, perimenopause, post-menopause, or thyroid? Yes, these things can have an influence on your weight loss journey, but they are not the [...]

Woman In The Mirror: Your Answer To Permanent Weight Loss2020-11-16T12:02:46-07:00

How to Not Overeat This Thanksgiving

If you’re Canadian (like me!) then Thanksgiving already happened for you but this is great information for really any holiday that involves, family, food, and friends. Are you in the United States or celebrating Thanksgiving in November? Then this is a must-read for you. When you hear talk about giving thanks or feeling grateful (the [...]

How to Not Overeat This Thanksgiving2018-11-04T10:18:42-07:00

Stop Believing All You Need Is Better Tactics to Lose Weight

Healthy, permanent weight loss. (As in the weight is not coming back) You want to know how to get there. Chances are, you think this will involve a diet. And even if you don’t think that, you probably believe it requires some sort of restrictive program. You’ll have to go Paleo, choose Keto, cut out [...]

Stop Believing All You Need Is Better Tactics to Lose Weight2021-11-02T11:15:49-07:00

Worried You’ll Overeat or Drink At A Party? Learn These 4 Tricks

Ever feel like you’re on vacation or at a friend’s house for dinner, or at a holiday party with co-workers and there is always more pressure to be unhealthy rather than healthy? You’re sitting there with a soda water and everyone keeps saying, “Come on! Let me get you a drink…” or “You only had [...]

Worried You’ll Overeat or Drink At A Party? Learn These 4 Tricks2018-11-21T21:23:38-07:00

The Right Way To Lose Weight Isn’t What You Think

Is there a right way to lose weight? The answer is YES. There absolutely is! But there isn’t one right way for everyone. What’s right for you may be different from your best friend, neighbor, co-worker, etc. In order to figure out what that right way looks like for you, the first step is understanding [...]

The Right Way To Lose Weight Isn’t What You Think2018-11-04T10:23:27-07:00

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals With These 5 Steps

If you’ve been thinking about wanting to lose weight, the real question becomes how do you make it permanent this time? Because, chances are, you’ve lost weight before - it worked - but it didn’t last, and you are looking to figure out a way to achieve healthy permanent weight loss. The good news is [...]

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals With These 5 Steps2020-11-16T12:07:23-07:00
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