Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Are You Ready to Talk?

About Jennifer Powter

Jennifer coaches busy, successful women with imperfect lives who want to look and feel amazing from the inside out. With her tried-and-proven weight loss method—ENERGY to Thrive™—Jennifer takes the fascinating science of physiological transformation and breaks it down into six empowering steps.

How Grief Made Me More Grateful

Have you ever had the thought, “I can’t handle this!”, or “This is too much for me right now,” or “I can’t take this anymore?”. Yeah. Me too. Especially in the past year and a bit. With all of the stress and uncertainty so many things in my life got put on hold: Traveling Events [...]

How Grief Made Me More Grateful2021-10-13T14:29:49-07:00

Weight Loss isn’t Magical, it’s Methodical

If you ever feel that losing weight is the most frustrating thing in the world, you’re not alone. It can bring about all of the worst feelings you could ever possibly have about yourself…not feeling confident, capable, wondering what’s wrong with you, wanting to give up but not able to because you can’t stand the [...]

Weight Loss isn’t Magical, it’s Methodical2023-01-25T10:18:35-07:00

It’s Not Your Fault.

I have a chapter in my new book, “Diet Disruption.” It’s titled “It's Not Your Fault.” There are so many women who tell me that people think they're lazy or they get treated differently when they're overweight versus having lost weight or when they were thinner. I want to know if you agree or disagree. [...]

It’s Not Your Fault.2021-12-09T11:10:10-07:00

Journaling for Weight Loss: A Simple Action with BIG Results!

Journaling for Weight Loss Journaling Weight Loss is so important. When you learn how to lead yourself towards health, you learn how to lead in so many other aspects of your life. Journaling weight loss the WRONG way There are so many things that I used to do when I was overweight. One of them [...]

Journaling for Weight Loss: A Simple Action with BIG Results!2021-12-09T11:16:22-07:00

4 Lasting Weight Loss Hijackers!

Today, we're going to find some exclusive lasting weight loss tips to keep hijackers out. Weight Loss Hijacker #1: Believing you need to be perfect. When you have a weight loss mentality, the mentality is that you have to be perfect. People believe you need to achieve perfection in order to get results. I strongly [...]

4 Lasting Weight Loss Hijackers!2021-12-09T11:20:50-07:00

My Epic Weight Loss Journey!

My epic weight loss journey started 8 years ago. Do you feel confused and stuck because the things that you're doing to lose weight just aren't working? That’s where I was roughly eight years ago. I would like to share my story about my weight loss journey with you today because I can guarantee that [...]

My Epic Weight Loss Journey!2021-12-09T11:47:22-07:00

3 Top Tips For Staying Sane In The Holidays (Even When You’re Surrounded By Crazy-Making Triggers)

Yup it’s THAT time of year again! The time of year when sooner or later someone’s going to say “hey, want some eggnog?” and you’re going to say “Sure!” And you don’t even like eggnog. Or when you’re at a family Open House where there’s a massive bowl of Hershey Kisses on the counter … [...]

3 Top Tips For Staying Sane In The Holidays (Even When You’re Surrounded By Crazy-Making Triggers)2021-12-09T11:59:55-07:00

7 simple ways to boost your happiness – and catapult your success

We all want to be happy, right? Let’s face it, feeling happy is way more fun than feeling sad! But did you know that feeling happy also makes you more successful? Over the last 20 years, a ton of positive psychology research data has proved that happiness is a precursor to success to all [...]

7 simple ways to boost your happiness – and catapult your success2020-10-30T11:58:26-07:00

3 Things I’m Loving This Fall

Here’s 3 things I’ve been digging this month I know can help you out... BUT I really want to know some of your favorites, too! You never know - you might help me discover something I’ve been seriously needing. So, be sure to write me back today and tell me *one* of your favorites. Cool? [...]

3 Things I’m Loving This Fall2020-11-16T11:57:58-07:00

YOU = Happy, Healthy, Thriving. Learn how here…

Let's face it, it's hard being caught in the vicious cycle of feeling shame and guilt over what you ate, or what you think you should eat or shouldn't eat, or what the number on the scale says. Maybe you ask yourself questions such as: “What’s wrong with me?” “I know better, why am I [...]

YOU = Happy, Healthy, Thriving. Learn how here…2019-09-25T07:41:59-07:00
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