Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Are You Ready to Talk?

About Jennifer Powter

Jennifer coaches busy, successful women with imperfect lives who want to look and feel amazing from the inside out. With her tried-and-proven weight loss method—ENERGY to Thrive™—Jennifer takes the fascinating science of physiological transformation and breaks it down into six empowering steps.

3 Ways to Rock Your Fitness and Start Losing Weight Now!

This week, I wanted to highlight some of the videos that have really resonated with people on their weight loss and fitness journey. Why? Because so often, we forget about the simple things that can change everything. Whether you are new to the blog or tried and true readers, these 3 videos will make your [...]

3 Ways to Rock Your Fitness and Start Losing Weight Now!2017-09-29T08:29:12-07:00

Losing Weight: Are You Ready to Commit What It Takes?

Simply put, it’s like this - a feeling is simply an emotion we experience. Often, when it comes to weight loss, we talk a lot about what we want, but it can’t stop there. Having a goal means you’re probably going to create a plan you hope to achieve. Being committed is reflected by the [...]

Losing Weight: Are You Ready to Commit What It Takes?2017-09-29T18:20:18-07:00

Lose Weight and Increase Energy with Homemade Protein Bars

Protein bars aren't just for bodybuilders and athletes. In fact, the average woman doesn't consume nearly enough protein while taking in too many carbs - which can contribute to weight gain and feelings of low energy throughout the day. Having a high protein snack to grab when you're in a hurry can make a huge [...]

Lose Weight and Increase Energy with Homemade Protein Bars2017-09-29T18:20:06-07:00

The Power of Protein – Made Easy

Are you getting enough? I’m talking about protein here! Most women simply do not consume enough protein in a day. Here’s why: It’s not exactly the most convenient thing to “snack” on - when’s the last time you heard your BFF say, “God, I’m just craving 4 oz of a juicy tenderloin steak!” ? - [...]

The Power of Protein – Made Easy2017-09-29T18:18:24-07:00

Can You Really Lose Weight By Boosting Your Metabolism?

You’ve heard it all, right? Add cayenne pepper to your water to boost your metabolism. Or just get to the gym, build muscle, and your metabolism will drastically change. Or eat/drink [insert some new food trend] guaranteed to boost your metabolism. With all this talk, it can be hard to know just what’s fact and [...]

Can You Really Lose Weight By Boosting Your Metabolism?2017-09-29T18:18:12-07:00

I’m answering the age-old question

I am super excited to share this with you, because it’s something I hear women all over the world ask - the age-old fitness question… Can I lose fat and build muscle, at the same time? Well, contrary to what you might read about in the glossy magazines or the guarantees from boot camps, cleanses [...]

I’m answering the age-old question2017-09-29T08:36:45-07:00

Nursing a cold without adding calories

We are almost there but it looks like winter wants to hang on just a tad longer. And with that comes what seems like the never ending cold and flu season, right? Recently, I came down with a cold and realized just how hard it is to eat healthy when feeling less than 100% If [...]

Nursing a cold without adding calories2020-11-16T12:09:07-07:00

Meet Mr. Sneaky

Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Sneaky – aka fear who wants you to feel like: I’m too old or too slow.  I’m too overweight. That’s for other people – not me. Fear creeps in and paralyzes you from committing – to yourself. Your commitments to other people – kids, spouse, home, and work [...]

Meet Mr. Sneaky2016-03-17T16:41:49-07:00

5 Simple Exercises Anytime, Anywhere

The last few weeks of winter can sometimes feel like they will never end, right? And when it’s still cold out, we, often, want to stay home, make some yummy hot chocolate with our kids and catch up on a favorite TV show or two. And, sometimes, this can make it hard to make it [...]

5 Simple Exercises Anytime, Anywhere2017-09-29T08:48:47-07:00

My top 5 go-to snacks + doin’ March like it ain’t been done…

So, it’s almost March, and if you are anything like me, then some of your New Year’s resolutions may seem like a distant memory. As the year goes on, we get busy – driving our kids to various activities, daily household chores, our careers, times with friends and family – being the CEO of our [...]

My top 5 go-to snacks + doin’ March like it ain’t been done…2017-09-29T18:16:41-07:00
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