Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Are You Ready to Talk?

About Jennifer Powter

Jennifer coaches busy, successful women with imperfect lives who want to look and feel amazing from the inside out. With her tried-and-proven weight loss method—ENERGY to Thrive™—Jennifer takes the fascinating science of physiological transformation and breaks it down into six empowering steps.

Festive Fall Beet Salad

It's that "Fall Salad" time of the year! If you happen to find yourself wandering through a weekend farmer's market, you'll notice the colorful array of all the root vegetables: yams, parsnips, turnips, rutabaga, carrots, butternut squash and - my personal favorite - beets. I love root vegetables because they are a natural sources of [...]

Festive Fall Beet Salad2017-05-03T18:11:39-07:00

Best Type of Exercise For Weight Loss – Circuit Training

I used to be a cardio junkie! I believed if a little exercise was good then more must be better and often that would mean I was running or cycling for hours and hours a week. But, my body never really changed and neither did the scale. So, it got me wondering - what is [...]

Best Type of Exercise For Weight Loss – Circuit Training2017-09-29T08:42:56-07:00

Is sugar really so bad? The truth you need to know!

Do you know how much sugar you eat? Do you know how much you feed your kids? Do you know where it hides? Do you know why you crave it? Do you know why once you start eating it you just can’t stop? My guess is probably not. In fact, I didn’t know all of [...]

Is sugar really so bad? The truth you need to know!2017-09-23T16:51:21-07:00

7 Frustrating Reasons Weight Loss Isn’t Happening For You

Achieving lasting weight loss can be like searching for the holy grail - you want it! You know that if you get it life will be better but you get exhausted trying to achieve it.  If you've been trying to lose weight and get frustrated by your weight loss efforts this article is for you. [...]

7 Frustrating Reasons Weight Loss Isn’t Happening For You2017-09-29T08:48:35-07:00

Healthy Wild Rice and Chicken Salad Recipe

I love to cook meals that are healthy, fresh and fast!! Check out this video to see how easy it is to make a beautiful, nourishing salad. If you’ve already batch cooked some chicken and had some rice leftover from the night before it’s literally just minutes to prepare. The recipe is below! Recipe for [...]

Healthy Wild Rice and Chicken Salad Recipe2017-05-03T18:12:42-07:00

TRX: The Most Effective Exercise With One Piece of Equipment

Do you ever walk into the gym not knowing where to begin? What equipment do I use? How much weight? Is my form correct? Who can I ask? First off, congrats! Because whenever we decide to make positive changes, we should be applauded. Taking that first step is always the most difficult, but the rewards [...]

TRX: The Most Effective Exercise With One Piece of Equipment2017-09-29T08:38:26-07:00

3 Key Steps to Letting Go of Emotional Eating

Food cures hunger – it’s fuel for our bodies, not relief for our pain. And yet, how often do you find yourself opening your cupboards - all of them - in the hopes of a quick snack and 5 minutes later you are back looking for something else? Sound familiar? I know it has been [...]

3 Key Steps to Letting Go of Emotional Eating2017-09-29T18:07:39-07:00

Understanding Your Metabolism and It’s Relationship to Weight Loss!

“Jen, my [husband, boyfriend, partner, brother, etc.] can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound, whereas I’ll eat the same food and I’m gaining 10 lbs! What’s up with that?” I hear this from my female clients all the time! So often, in fact, that I’m breaking it down with a metaphor I [...]

Understanding Your Metabolism and It’s Relationship to Weight Loss!2017-09-29T18:08:02-07:00

Food Portions and Weight Loss: What is Their Relationship?

You grabbed a yogurt for breakfast and by 3pm you’ve only had a salad. And, you think you’re doing great! You stick to lean protein for dinner and go to bed feeling like a champ. Tuesday. You wake up with a headache and are running late. You grab coffee and a “low-fat” blueberry muffin from [...]

Food Portions and Weight Loss: What is Their Relationship?2017-09-29T18:20:57-07:00

Why It’s important to Say Yes to You and No to Fear

When you say yes to yourself and tell fear to take a backseat - real change occurs and results happen. But, so often, we say no and our own lists of “why this isn’t a good time…” take over. Even as a weight loss and fitness expert, I can come up with excuses why not [...]

Why It’s important to Say Yes to You and No to Fear2016-11-01T15:08:08-07:00
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