Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Are You Ready to Talk?

About Jennifer Powter

Jennifer coaches busy, successful women with imperfect lives who want to look and feel amazing from the inside out. With her tried-and-proven weight loss method—ENERGY to Thrive™—Jennifer takes the fascinating science of physiological transformation and breaks it down into six empowering steps.

5 Surprising Ways Consuming Sugar Is Ruining Your Life

Insulin Resistance. Pre-diabetes. Diabetes. Heart disease. Cancer. Obesity. Chronic fatigue. Every day, people are walking around afflicted by the above ailments, all of which they’re feeding with their lifestyle habits and food choices. Most of the time, they’re completely unaware of  their presence. In fact, you’re in the middle of an epidemic right now, and [...]

5 Surprising Ways Consuming Sugar Is Ruining Your Life2017-06-13T09:45:37-07:00

Tricks To Stay Healthy This Halloween

It's that chocolate time of year again...Halloween is here! This typically means there’ll be a mountain of chocolate and sugar in your house (if there isn’t already). Are you ready for it? Of course you are! I want to talk to you about a super important topic: what do you do with your kids Halloween candy [...]

Tricks To Stay Healthy This Halloween2017-09-23T16:47:41-07:00

Smoky and Sweet Turkey Chili

3.5.3208 It's a dark and stormy night, and all you can think about is sitting down with a bowl of your favorite comfort food. Something full of flavor and substance, a hearty meal that will fill and warm every corner of your stomach. On nights like this, one of the first things to come to [...]

Smoky and Sweet Turkey Chili2017-05-03T18:11:38-07:00

Attention All Moms! It’s Time To Take Care Of YOU.

My friend Hannah Hepworth has invited me to speak at her event called the The Healthy Mom Summit: Simple, Powerful, Holistic Ways to Take Care of Yourself No Matter How Busy You Are. I’m incredibly excited because, along with that invitation, I was offered the chance to extend to you the opportunity to listen in. If you’re [...]

Attention All Moms! It’s Time To Take Care Of YOU.2017-05-03T18:11:38-07:00

Why Choosing to Exercise is Choosing to Be Seen

I was on my way to Cincinnati to attend an event being put on by a beautiful friend and colleague of mine. The event sounded amazing and I was honored she had invited me. I was watching the movie “Joy” with Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper. Tears were pouring down my face. (spoiler alert). If [...]

Why Choosing to Exercise is Choosing to Be Seen2017-09-29T08:41:36-07:00

Are You Ready To Be Done With Dieting?

Did you wake up beating yourself up after another night of late night eating, after you just vowed to start your new diet? As you get up and barely look at yourself in the mirror while struggling to find something to wear that fits? I know that story all too well. Going to bed being [...]

Are You Ready To Be Done With Dieting?2017-05-03T18:11:38-07:00

Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla and Black Bean Soup

Slow Cookers are a gift from heaven. I'm serious! I love how they fill my home with the rich essence of a delicious meal ... all day. Fall is a busy time for my family, so throwing a bunch of ingredients together first thing in the morning and letting the slow cooker do it's job [...]

Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla and Black Bean Soup2017-05-03T18:11:38-07:00

3 Reasons Why Exercise Is So Important For Your Health

Exercise is key for optimal health, and yet we continue to put it as a low priority. Our excuses keep piling up. We need to work longer hours, we should spend more time with our families and we owe it to our friends to go out more and be present on social media. Before we know [...]

3 Reasons Why Exercise Is So Important For Your Health2017-09-29T08:49:21-07:00

Hearty and Healthy Minestrone Soup

Leaves are falling, the autumn wind is blowing and minestrone soup is simmering on the stove! Are you looking for a delicious soup recipe to serve at your dinner party tonight? Or perhaps you're wanting to add some nutritional bang to your kid's lunch this week? My Minestrone Soup recipe is definitely one of my [...]

Hearty and Healthy Minestrone Soup2017-05-03T18:11:39-07:00

A Unique Meditation Opportunity

Feeling a little stressed? Me too. Or at least I used to…. Real talk: all of that rushing and multitasking isn’t actually getting you anywhere. In fact, it might actually be keeping you stuck. You may be working double-time, but getting half the results. It doesn’t have to be that way. My friend and rockstar [...]

A Unique Meditation Opportunity2017-05-03T18:11:39-07:00
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