Discover Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss and How to Smash Through Them

Let’s talk and find the real problem together so you can finally lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Are You Ready to Talk?

About Jennifer Powter

Jennifer coaches busy, successful women with imperfect lives who want to look and feel amazing from the inside out. With her tried-and-proven weight loss method—ENERGY to Thrive™—Jennifer takes the fascinating science of physiological transformation and breaks it down into six empowering steps.

Creating A Better Than Perfect Life with Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo [Podcast Episode #002]

Do you ever wonder, “Is this it - is this how my life is going to be?” Asking this question is a good thing because it means you’re hungry for something more. It can also mean you’re becoming aware you’ve been living life by a set of rules that no longer serve you and it’s [...]

Creating A Better Than Perfect Life with Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo [Podcast Episode #002]2017-10-30T13:19:20-07:00

How To Achieve Weight Loss For Life with Melissa Kathryn [Podcast Episode #001]

Any woman, who has ever tried to lose weight, can agree that weight loss is hard. What’s even harder is keeping the weight off after you’ve lost it and not regain it. Why? Why do so many millions of women struggle with this? Join Melissa Kathryn and I, two weight loss coaches who’ve overcome our [...]

How To Achieve Weight Loss For Life with Melissa Kathryn [Podcast Episode #001]2017-10-30T13:16:55-07:00

Best Protein Smoothie Ever!

I get asked all the time about smoothies - so I thought I’d share my *most* favorite protein smoothie recipe with you. I absolutely love it. Chunky Monkey Protein Smoothie 1 scoop chocolate peanut butter protein powder ½ frozen banana (I cut my bananas in chunks and then freeze them) ¾ cup coconut almond milk [...]

Best Protein Smoothie Ever!2017-05-25T19:56:15-07:00

ENERGY To Thrive: A new conversation on health, fitness and weight loss [Podcast Episode #000]

It’s time for a new conversation to start on what it takes to truly get healthy from the inside out. I’m tired of the old conversation around health - especially the one around weight loss - where the focus is just on the external. Today the diet industry is worth $64 billion dollars. That is [...]

ENERGY To Thrive: A new conversation on health, fitness and weight loss [Podcast Episode #000]2017-05-25T10:52:05-07:00

How I’m Using a Major Life Event as Motivation

Let’s talk about the power of goals… And I mean a specific “do this, by then” kind of planning. Here’s why… You want to lose weight. You want to feel healthy. You want to like what you see in the mirror. That’s why you’re reading this. And perhaps you’ve started but sticking with it often [...]

How I’m Using a Major Life Event as Motivation2017-09-29T18:02:01-07:00

What a Spiralizer and Brené Brown Have Taught Me This Month

Spring is one of my most favorite times of the year! Are you with me? It’s such an incredible opportunity to feel re-inspired for the year - literally opening the windows - and let in some much needed fresh air. Here’s how I’m doing just that… What I’m Reading Late to the crowd, I know but [...]

What a Spiralizer and Brené Brown Have Taught Me This Month2020-11-16T12:08:18-07:00

What London and Your Weight Loss Have in Common

Let’s say you are going to fly to London... You are sooo ready for this trip. You know what to pack. A good movie to watch. Favorite snacks. A cozy blanket.   You know how long the flight is going to take and you are ready for it. It’s part of how you get to [...]

What London and Your Weight Loss Have in Common2017-09-29T18:03:16-07:00

How To Cope With Life When It Gets Hard: 5 strategies that have saved me

In true transparency, I need to say that my life has had some massive ups and downs lately.  I want to share what I’ve learned about how to handle this life roller coaster in the hopes you can use some of the same strategies I’ve used when/if you have to go through a ‘life [...]

How To Cope With Life When It Gets Hard: 5 strategies that have saved me2017-05-08T11:28:05-07:00

A Group Weight Loss Program That Works

The Most Effective Group Weight Loss Program Out There: Lose 20+ lbs By Summer -- We start April 11th Trying to lose weight may be one of the most frustrating experiences of your life. It can be exhausting and leave you feeling like a failure, especially if you lose weight and then gain it back. [...]

A Group Weight Loss Program That Works2020-11-16T12:08:36-07:00

I disagree with this – what about you?

Happy 2017! I’m beyond excited to welcome in this new year and to say goodbye to 2016 - let’s just say that 2016 was a “growth year” for me (I’ve heard that it was for lots of other people too!). At this time of year it’s super typical to set all kinds of new year’s [...]

I disagree with this – what about you?2017-09-29T09:24:34-07:00
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