Finally… Live in a body you love.

Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss for Women Over 40 Who are Ready to Lose the Weight for the Last Time Without any Extreme Workouts or Crazy Diets.

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Jennifer Powter Weight Loss Coach and Mindset Coach

If you’ve been jumping from diet to diet for years (or decades), I bet you and I could have quite a long conversation about how diets don’t work.


And if you’re anything like the 2000+ women I’ve helped who were struggling to lose weight and keep it off, you’ve likely tried a handful (or two) of these:

  • Weight Watchers
  • Jenny Craig
  • Slim Fast
  • Atkins
  • Keto
  • Paleo
  • Intermittent Fasting
  • Pills
  • Veganism

  • Injections
  • South Beach
  • Whole 30
  • Nutritionists
  • Counting Calories
  • Cabbage Soup Diet
  • Mediterranean Diet
  • Cleanses + Detoxes
  • Elimination Diet

So many miserable methods. So much confusion. So much restriction and deprivation. 

Sure, you can lose the weight… but it always comes back with a vengeance.

(Along with an extra generous helping of guilt, shame and embarrassment that the pounds are piling on. Again.)

And to make matters worse? You know you’re sabotaging your weight loss results.

You want to stop. You get so frustrated with yourself.


Rebecca had tried every diet under the sun…nothing worked. She’s now lost 62 lbs but more importantly she feels good in her own skin.


But honestly? You’re exhausted.

And you don’t know what to do anymore.

Don’t worry, I totally get it.

(And I’ll share more of my story in a moment…)


You are not alone. And you’re not a failure.

It’s just the way you’ve gone about trying to lose the weight that has set you up for failure.

Why? Because the dieting industry wants you to become a repeat customer.

The dieting industry’s dirty little secret (and by “little” I mean a booming 70 billion dollar per year business model) is this:

“Quick-fix” solutions and chronic patterns of restriction and deprivation set you up for weight loss failure every time. By design.

They know that when a woman gets desperate enough, she’s pretty much willing to do anything to lose the weight.

The dieting methods/tactics that exist right now are horrible. It’s a vicious cycle. It’s punishing.

And they simply don’t, won’t, can’t work.

Not in the long run.


Because no prepacked meal will help you learn to deal with stressful days where you end up wanting to eat your emotions or numb with booze.

No extra scoop of protein shake can do the deep work of helping you learn how to process your pain in a way that doesn’t drive you to eat spoonfuls of peanut butter straight from the tub.

If you’re exhausted from years of running in circles around the dieting-industry block, but aren’t any closer to your weight loss goals…

Chances are you probably already know it’s not just a physical transformation that needs to happen, it’s an emotional transformation at the same time.


Until you know why you’re numbing with food, dieting is just a bandaid (on an emotional bullet wound).

“I’ve lost 26 lbs and have kept it off, but more than that – I am happy.”

“I spent decades trying all kinds of diets, hormone “cures” and fitness programs, and nothing seemed to work. My weight continued to yo-yo and I was on a downhill spiral, hating my body, and feeling like I had no control over the impact my thoughts and emotions had on how I dealt with food.

Working with Jen and the Powter Weight Loss Academy Team gave me my life back, they deeply understand the real issues that underlie the struggles all of us women go through and I loved digging deeper into myself with their guidance.

It’s so much more than the food, it’s about how to reconnect, learn to reset our minds to a better self and live a great life.”

– JAN S.

“I lost weight while traveling and improved my life at the same time.”

“Before joining The Powter Weight Loss Academy I couldn’t seem to keep the weight off, I would lose 10 or 15 lbs and then something would happen (usually vacation or a stressful event) and it would all come back . I thought that I just didn’t have enough “willpower” to “diet”.

In PWLA I found that weight loss can never be about the scale itself, it is not a surface problem although it manifests itself as one. Stopping the cycle is as much an emotional, relational, mental and spiritual endeavour as it is a physical one.

Working with PWLA is one of the best investments I’ve made, and you are completely capable of it too!”



You feel trapped in an exhausting yo-yo dieting cycle of losing 15 pounds, regaining 20… lose 30 pounds, regain 50….

Your emotions rise and fall with the numbers on the scale, and the nasty, mean chatter in your head only gets LOUDER. You try on your clothes only to find everything fits too tight, again.

You’re desperate for change, but don’t know how to get there.

You’re super successful in life, so this doesn’t make a lot of sense to you how can you have a lot of discipline in so many parts of your life and not this one?

You’re carrying around pain and heaviness every day in your heart. In your mind. In your body. It’s like a dark cloud that casts a shadow on everything.

There’s no relief from constantly stressing and obsessing about food.

There’s no relief from the cycle of guilt, shame, and regret, talking yourself out of the promises you’ve made to yourself and weakening your resolve with every excuse and exception…

Intimacy with your partner? You avoid it. You’re terrified you’ll be rejected. You can’t even remember the last time you felt sexy. And on the rare occasion you do have sex, you feel gross in your own body and can’t wait for it to be over. It’s not enjoyable.

The days are long. Stress keeps building. You find yourself (again) at that moment where you cave and say “Screw it. It’s too hard,” and give in to the one little square of chocolate…

Which becomes two… Which ends up being the whole bar…

You wake up the next day and feel disgusted with yourself, and exhausted with discouragement.

You’re NOT ready to give up, but you feel like you’ve tried everything, and honestly wonder how long you can keep going before you reach your breaking point.


If you’re sick of the rigid rules and restrictions of dieting, but determined to lose weight, good news is here!  

“I was looking for a permanent solution…I found it.”

“I’ve struggled with my weight most of my life, gaining and losing the same 20-30lbs over and over. It was more than just how I looked on the outside though, my struggles were reflected on the inside too as with each weight loss, and its inevitable return, my self-esteem plummeted further. I wanted to end the cycle once and for all.

Finding Jen and The Powter Weight Loss Academy has changed my life. I was searching for a permanent, sustainable and healthy solution that didn’t require me to starve myself to lose weight and I found it.

Most importantly though I’ve learned I can trust myself. The work we’ve done together has given me the confidence to not only stop the self-sabotaging behaviors that drove my weight loss cycle but also to overcome other obstacles that were holding me back in my life.

I’ve not only lost the weight I wanted to, it’s stayed off for over a year now. I have found the freedom I was looking for.

I’ve found “me.” 


“I wanted to find something I could do for the rest of my life.”

“It had been over 20 years since I was at a weight that I felt comfortable at. It became normal for me to feel like a stuffed sausage in my clothes. I was busy raising kids, focussing on my career and I’d just stopped taking care of myself.

Some health challenges were starting to pop up. My joints were aching, my cholesterol and blood pressure were increasing, my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic and needed to deal with things or medications would be required.

That scared me into action. I knew I needed to lose weight and wanted to find something that I could do for the rest of my life. I joined The Powter Weight Loss Academy and lost 44 lbs.

I had no idea the impact working with Jen and her team would have on my health, my life, my happiness. She’s put together a program that’s based on science and yet brings all of the emotional stuff into it that I needed support with too. For the first time in years I feel truly successful and healthy!”

– Jamie V.

It’s not too late.

Healthy, permanent weight loss is still possible for you.

You really can lose the weight and keep it off. For Good.

(And I’m about to show you how…)


  • You are losing weight and you never feel deprived or hungry.

  • You have everything your body needs physically to feel full and be satisfied.

  • You feel content, and taken care of for the first time in many years.

  • You can easily say “no thanks” to foods that tempted you before, and you don’t feel like you’re missing out.

  • You finally understand WHY you do what you do.

  • You notice yourself being surprised at how happy you are.

  • You don’t numb with food or booze anymore. You know how to process and deal with your feelings and hard things in life.

  • You’re not spending your days constantly obsessing about food.

  • You’re able to pull out clothes you had in the wayyyy back of your closet, and that feels great.

  • Your mind is calmer. That inner voice is calmer. You spend less time in your head.

  • You have true, individualized, caring support where you feel safe, and someone helps give you solutions that actually work for you.

  • At all times, you have the support and tools you need to get to your goals. (Even during busy weeks, holidays with complicated family dynamics, or while traveling for work.)

  • You’ve become comfortable saying no. You know your boundaries, and stick to them.

  • You find yourself talking to yourself the way that you would talk to a friend. You’re more compassionate with yourself.

  • You have a new story. You actually want to nourish yourself now and keep to your goals of losing weight and being healthier.

This is exactly what you’ll learn in the Powter Weight Loss Academy so you can finally feel good in your body and fully show up for your one precious life.

Sam was skeptical at first but ready to try something new. Although she was successful in other areas of her life, sustainable weight loss was her achilles heel.

She’s now lost 35 lbs and finally feels successful in this area of her life.


There is a Guaranteed Solution to Reaching – and Sustaining – Your Ideal Weight for the Rest of Your Life .


Here it is:

Understanding WHY you do what you do,
AND getting the support and tools you need
to make choices aligned with your goals.

It makes sense, right? Uncovering your emotional triggers – what drives you to numb, soothe, or reward with food – is what will make or break your weight loss journey.

Because it doesn’t matter how extreme or all-in your weight loss tactic is, if you don’t address the root issues for why you do what you do, you won’t be able to sustain your results.

By now you already know weight loss is about so much more than just the food.

It’s about the emotional resilience to handle life storms, the emotional tsunamis where you give yourself permission to indulge. You justify and rationalize and say to yourself “Next Monday…I’ll get back on it…”

Only to have another Monday, another month, and another year pass you by.


To get to where you want to go,
you must be willing to leave where you are.

Yes, this is deep work.

But you never have to go it alone again.

I’ll help you every step of the way.

“I broke the cycle of yo-yo dieting. I feel free.”

“For me, the choice to lose weight has always included restrictive and unsustainable diets. I was living the definition of insanity, trying the same things over and over even though they didn’t work.

Dieting has been a constant distraction in my life, one that has also created a wealth of grief, shame, anxiety and negative self-talk. Working with Jen and the Powter Weight Loss Academy Team has shown me that the only way to lose weight successfully is to fuel my body the same way I’d maintain the weight loss.

Their guidance, along with the tools, routines and strategies that they provide have given me what I needed to not just lose weight but to keep it off for the longest I’ve ever managed previously.”


“I don’t have to be on a diet for the rest of my life – I can just be normal!”

“The thing I wanted most was to get healthy so I could be there with my kids and, hopefully, grandkids. I’ve spent over half my life struggling with my weight and I was tired of failing. I’d tried going Keto but living off of Keto food just wasn’t sustainable for me.

The Powter Weight Loss Academy gave me so much more than just some cookie-cutter weight loss method. They helped me truly understand my body, proper nutrition, and identify what was going on at that deeper emotional level.

I got the guidance and support I needed to break through that negative self-sabotaging cycle which has allowed me to lose 28 lbs to date.”


Ready to do something different?

To have a proven plan in hand that ACTUALLY works?

Janet had been riding the yo-yo diet rollercoaster for years. She’s now almost at her ideal weight and knows she looks damn good at 62 yrs old.


Pamela hadn’t been able to “stick” with any diet for long. She’s now down 22 lbs and can fit back into her nice clothes.


Achieve your weight loss goals and in a sustainable, healthy way in the Powter Weight Loss Academy, led by Weight Loss and Mindset Expert: Jennifer Powter, MSc., CEP

If you’re just getting to know me…

And while it matters that you know that I have a Master’s degree in science, I’m a personal trainer, I’m a triple certified coach and emotional intelligence practitioner, a two-time best-selling author (I’ve got two books that I’ve written in the weight loss industry), I’ve run 12 marathons and dozens of half-marathons, completed Ironman Canada twice, and I’m also a certified exercise physiologist…

Probably the biggest thing that is such an asset for me in the work I do is that I’ve been overweight…

In my twenties I was fit, strong, athletic. I ran half-marathons and marathons, I liked how I looked and like most women I always thought I needed to lose 5-10 lbs but never really worried about my weight.

But as I neared my thirties, life got more complicated. I got married and had kids… and I began this long, slow, steady, falling away from being on my own priority list.

I was taking care of everybody else first, and consistently ended up with no energy left to take care of myself.

Pretty soon, I was living in a body that was 40 pounds overweight on my 5’6 frame and I was down to one pair of stretchy lululemon pants that I called my “fat pants.”

Every morning when I would wake up, my hands would travel around my body feeling and squeezing the soft, flabby fat on my tummy and thighs… and before I would ever take my first step out of bed I was engaged in intense shame and self-loathing.

I’d make these promises to myself about what I wouldn’t eat or drink…

But the days would be hard. And the hard days would pile on top of each other. And I’d finally say “Screw it. I just don’t care.”

But I did care.

I could not stand what it felt like to go through my day feeling so awful in my body. I was living as a fragmented version of myself.

I avoided pictures. There are hardly any pictures of me with my kids for many, many years.

All sorts of health problems started to crop up… and I realized that if I wanted to create change I had to do it differently.

And I also realized that there was a lot going on with me emotionally that I didn’t want to admit to myself.


I didn’t know how to find connection in it. So I sought companionship and comfort from my nightly handful of chocolate chips and glass of red wine.

Except, it usually wasn’t just one glass. It was more like two glasses. And it wasn’t just one handful of chocolate chips, it was more like three.

After tolerating feeling this way for a long time, I hit a very low moment in my life.

That’s when I finally made the decision to change.


I lost over 40+ pounds 12 years ago, and I’ve not regained a pound since. And I did it all while having complete food freedom.

And by “complete food freedom” I don’t mean that I could eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted… but that I lost the weight for good by changing the relationship I had with food. I thought about food differently and stopped using it as an emotional crutch.

This is life-changing FREEDOM I don’t want to keep to myself.

I’ve also helped thousands of women learn how to create their own incredible weight loss transformation without doing anything weird to achieve sustained weight loss.

I’m so grateful for my journey now in my work because:

All the knowledge in the world can’t replace the experience of only having one pair of pants to slip on.

From my own experience, and after helping thousands of women achieve healthy, permanent weight loss, here’s what I know:

It’s about so much more than just the food.

Don’t just take my word for it– enjoy what some of my happy clients have to say about their experiences:

Vanessa, a bakery owner, and self-described emotional eater had been trying for years to lose weight. She’d hit 247 lbs, her highest weight ever, and felt desperate. She’s now down 47 lbs and has a healthy relationship with food.


Yvette had been dieting for 50 years, since she was 8 yrs old. She had tried every diet and while she’d lose the weight, she’d always regain it. She’s now lost 30 lbs, is free from dieting and has peace around food.


Here’s what you can expect when you join the Powter Weight Loss Academy:

  • Relief. All the mental weight lifted off about exactly what to eat so you nourish your body and feel full and satisfied, never deprived. We make the food part EASY.

  • Coaching to help you recognize and get past the barriers and obstacles that get in your way so you stop self-sabotaging for good.

  • Expert guidance every step of the way. Weekly and monthly touch points so you never feel confused about what to do, in the right sequence, to reach your ideal weight (and maintain it for life.)

  • Accountability so you don’t get lost. You don’t get to quit. We don’t let you “off the hook”. You are held in a space where your success is inevitable.

  • A safe community that accelerates your success and obliterates your loneliness because other women ask questions you wouldn’t think to ask, or are afraid to ask, and sharing their vulnerable wins and generous support inspires you to keep going because they get what you’re going through.

  • Real time support, twice a week, where you can ask your most pressing questions and receive personalized feedback from Jen and her team.

  • Complete confidence that this works, if you’re workin’ it. We have a 97% success rate with clients losing anywhere between 10-24 lbs during this program.

Some will lose more and some might lose less (depends on their starting weight) but ALL of our clients are successful!

Get Off the Diet and Self-Sabotage Rollercoaster So You Can Experience Success that Lasts!

“I found a sane way to lose weight.”

Before joining The Powter Weight Loss academy I was thinking about food and my weight 24/7. I was constantly starting a new diet on Monday only to fizzle out by Friday. I knew what I needed to do but I just couldn’t do it – I’d always give up.

Since starting, I’ve shed over 50lbs, regained my energy, and said goodbye to yo-yo dieting and self-punishment.

But the real victory? Gaining back my confidence, feeling happy, and no longer letting food control me. I understand my emotional needs now, and that’s been the most empowering part of this journey.


“I no longer self-sabotage.”

“I had spent so many years feeling out of control and consumed by dieting. I was at a point in my life where I wanted to think about something other than the number on the scale.

What I learned at the Powter Weight Loss Academy helped me lose 56 lbs and I’m now ready to live in weight maintenance. I feel so at peace with food, my body, my weight, and the scale.

I get to enjoy my life because I no longer self-sabotage. I feel good!”


Here’s the Full Breakdown of What You’ll Get Inside the Program:

Comprehensive Intake Process

  • In order to best understand how to set you up for success, we’ll start with two private Zoom sessions where our coaches will a clear understanding of what a typical day-in-the-life-of-YOU looks like. We’ll talk about how you live your life and run your days (from when you wake up to when you go to bed) so we can create a personalized plan that works for you – no cookie cutter “food plans” here.

  • Even better? No diet “dogma” or tactic is required (no food group omission, no supplements/shakes/bars, etc.). There’s simply a need to get clear on how you want to live your life with food and a customized Nutrition Success Plan will be designed for you based on your food likes/dislikes. Yes, you’ll actually like the food you eat!

  • No miserable, unsustainable quick-fixes here. Weight loss is methodical, not magical. You have a unique metabolic profile which means you have a fundamental requirement for the three main classifications of food: carbs, protein, fat. Together we’ll determine how to best get your body nourished AND optimized for sustainable weight loss so you never feel deprived or hungry while the pounds are melting away.

  • To prepare for this call you’ll complete a Health History Form so I’ll have all the critical context to help you thrive throughout your transformation.

Online Learning Portal – The Academy Part

  • Let the fun begin! Once your Kickstart call has been completed you’ll have full access to the 24/7 learning portal which houses your online learning materials. This is like a library with everything you need, and nothing you don’t.

  • Each week you will be released a new set of video “lessons” + handouts to review so you’ll know exactly what to do, one clear step at a time. This requires about 1-2 hrs of your time to watch, take notes, and complete the homework.

  • These lessons range in length from 10-30 minutes, and you can rewatch them any time as desired.

  • Busy life? We’ve planned for that. That’s why after three weeks of lessons you will have an implementation week so that you can get caught up or go back and review any lessons that may need your extra attention.

  • If all it took to lose weight was watch video lessons I’d be a Kajillionaire – you and I both know it takes more than that. Read on – this is what sets us apart in the industry.

Personalized Coaching & Customized Support

  • Women are smart. You are smart. You probably know all of the things you should be doing to lose weight – but you just don’t do them. That’s where the coaching and support comes in. It’s time to break those sabotaging behaviors which is what we do in the live Zoom coaching calls on the first three Tuesdays and Thursdays of the month (calls are 60 min and yes, they are recorded in the event you can’t always make them live).

    • Tuesdays @ 11:30am-12:30pm MT/1:30pm-2:30pm ET
    • Thursdays @ 1pm -2pm MT/3pm-4pm ET
  • I (Jen) facilitate these coaching/support calls. I’ll help you better understand your body, food, and the emotional triggers that influence why you do what you do, and give you the tools to sift through and manage your emotions so it’s easy for you to make the right choices. Women love our Q&A and Power Pod calls – it’s nice to connect with a real expert to get your questions and answered.
  • Kelsey, Director of Client Success, provides support. Kelsey is fantastic and all our clients love her! Fun fact: Kelsey was first a client in The Powter Weight Loss Academy and has successfully lost 55+ lbs to date – which at the height of 5’3 is a health and life-changing feat! She knows the material inside and out and is the best cheerleader our clients could ever hope for. Can’t wait for you to meet her!

  • How you’ll feel: Empowered. In control. Happier. These coaching calls help you break the dieting mentality that’s prevented your success in the past, eliminate confusion, get you clear + focused (and excited) about how you’re shifting your relationship to food, the scale, and your body.

Accountability Mondays

  • It’s time to get urgent about taking care of “you” the way that you take care of everyone else. Most women are more accountable to their family and their pets than they are themselves – we teach you to be accountable again (not in a punitive way, but in a consistent way).

  • You are individually seen, and supported. Every Monday morning we email you AND you are required to email us back with your data; then you get a personal response back to your email. There’s no hiding, getting lost, or getting left behind.

  • This accountability will help you SEE your progress. As said above, weight loss is methodical – your data reflects the changes you are creating in your life both by your scale weight but more importantly, your non-scale victories (those matter a lot in The Powter Weight Loss Academy)

Private Clients Only Facebook Group

  • Hands down, our Private FB Group is one of our clients’ favorite parts of the program. (Even the clients who when they started were convinced they wanted an individual coach).

  • It’s a beautiful thing that when you have questions or need support between the calls – you can get that in our fabulous FB community! There are dozens of women who will be a few steps ahead of you that will be there to generously support, guide, cheer and answer questions – plus I’m in there too as is Kelsey. We’ve got you.

  • Not on Social Media? No problem – you’ll have everything you need to be successful if you’re not on Facebook.

1:1 Checkin Calls

  • Get ready to finally feel like you’re on track! At the end of each 4 week module you will have a 30-min check in call with Kelsey, Director of Client Success, so you can review your results to date, know what’s ahead, and stay organized.

After losing 60lbs and gaining it all back, Kelsey knew she needed to do something different if she wanted the weight to stay off … for good.


It’s Time To Feel Good In Your Body Again

Get the attention and support you need from real people (and a real coach) to lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Concerned about how your partner will respond to this investment?

I totally understand. Let’s not tip-toe around this hesitation. I’m all about real, direct talk.

Read this candid email from a client’s husband who was “skeptical at best” about the Powter Weight Loss Academy… then share it with your partner!

Hello Jennifer!

I’m Andy, Becky’s husband and I wanted to just take a short moment to send you a personal note.

Becky has struggled with issues all her life, both personal and intrapersonal that I as her husband have been powerless to help her with (never heard this story before I

I was skeptical at best when she mentioned the journey she was going to take with you, the cost involved, etc.

Reason being is that over the course of our almost 15 year marriage she has spent a small fortune on every exercise program, DVD, book and snake oil available to help her lose weight and feel good about herself.

Weight Watchers was her “go back to” when the latest offering fell by the wayside, and it would help with the weight loss, but only for a while. Little did she or I know that it was the thing behind the thing (thanks for that by the way, I repeat it so much I should have a string you can pull out of my back lol)

Anyway, her journey toward happiness, self-discovery, ability to kick her mother’s boatload of toxic negativity to the curb and turn THAT into sympathy and understanding (Houdini level achievement), AND lose the weight she wanted, AND stand stronger in the face of adversity, AND improve our relationship…

well I just gotta ask…
You runnin for office anytime soon?
You’d get my vote, cuz you’d be the only politician I ever liked. 🙂

Sincerely though, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. My girl is so much happier than she has ever been, and by extension, so am I, and there’s no price you can put on that. You’re worth every penny.

Have a great day!



Getting healthy from the inside out is the least selfish thing you can do.

It’s an investment not only in yourself – it’s also for those you love.

Still Have a Question?

Let’s get it answered for you.

Can I be blunt with you? There’s never going to be a good time, a right time, a perfect time.

The time is NOW.

You and I both know what you’ve been doing isn’t working or you wouldn’t be here reading this. You deserve a disruption. You deserve to commit to sustainably losing weight.

And let’s go just a little deeper (told you that’s what I’m all about…). Notice the desire to hesitate, to wait, and to question?

What if instead, you took committed, imperfect action that moved you forward?

Spoiler: Your entire life might transform in just a few weeks.

We have a 97% success rate with clients losing anywhere between 10-24 lbs during this program. Some will lose more and some might lose less (depends on their starting weight) but ALL of our clients are successful!

So 100% YES, this works, if you’re workin’ it.

Even better? Your success will go WAY past weight loss.

If you’ve tried every single thing out there and it hasn’t worked, you’ve focused on the WRONG things.

When you stop focusing on a diet tactic and instead uncover the reason WHY you crave the ice cream or wine, not only will it help you lose weight but it’s the key to PERMANENT weight loss.

This isn’t a diet method, this is WHY you do what you do so you can start doing better and create a roadmap to lasting weight loss and health.

I don’t want you to settle or to simply feel like you’re surviving. That’s no way to live. You get one gift of life in this body that you’re in, and it’s up to you to make the most out of it.

The Powter Weight Loss Academy will help you understand why you do what you do and empower you to make choices aligned with your goals so you not only lose weight, but keep it off for good.

So your success is not just a possibility when you utilize our transformative methods. It’s a mathematical probability.

I understand that. Making any financial investment (especially when you’re used to neglecting yourself) is a big leap and I want to acknowledge feeling those nerves is normal.

But I also want to be real with you…

Add up ALL the…

Eating fake food
Paying trainers
Buying a brand new Vitamix
Purchasing online exercise programs
Ordering the new detox app or cleanse
Trying the latest diet bars and protein shakes, etc…

The cost? Tens of thousands! Not to mention the hours and energy it’s stolen from your life…

What if you didn’t have to spend $$$ like that again on systems that don’t work? Instead, let’s get to the root of your weight loss struggle and come out on the other side so you finally reach your ideal weight and stay there.

Plus, I’m confident that you’re reading all the way down here on the page because you value learning, education, and enjoy resolving things once and for all. Many of my clients are problem solvers and are highly successful in their jobs and other areas of their lives. They don’t have time to waste on inefficiency.

This program is proven. It’s stood the test of time. And if you didn’t question your worthiness and were willing to invest in a college degree, why not invest in your health trajectory similarly?

Without your health and your whole life ahead of you, that degree is simply a sheet of paper anyway.

It takes radical honesty to achieve true transformation. The path that you’re on NOW is eating and stuffing those feelings down.

It’s keeping you stuck.

Being overweight is painful. It takes a lot of effort to remain stuck, and I want to help you put your energy where you actually want it to go.

Because you’re either going to expend energy staying stuck, in a body you don’t love, dealing with horrendous inner dialogue of negative self chatter.

Or… you’re going to spend energy on creating the change that you want in your life. The change you want in your body.

Being on a diet and feeling crappy about yourself every day isn’t easy, either.

Both are hard. We just choose which hard we want to embrace.

Most women have never been taught how to manage their emotions without food and alcohol.

There’s an art to learning and maintaining these skills for LIFE. And I’ll show you exactly how to do this.

What you’ll really find when you go this deep is healing, freedom, and a whole new life story that you’re excited to wake up to.

It’s time to break out of your shell and move past this weighed-down existence. Together we’ll help you pinpoint your pain points and resolve the foundational issues so that you get to step into the desires your heart is yearning for and experience the expansion your life deserves.

We are a small boutique company. We know our clients well. We hold you accountable, keep you committed, and your success is inevitable in my world. We only take a handful of clients a month, and I want you to know that no woman gets left behind. Ever.

The lessons each week build one simple, intentional, strategic step at a time so there’s ZERO overwhelm or confusion.

And after three weeks of lessons you will have an implementation week so that you can get caught up or go back and review any lessons that may need your extra attention.

Plus, I’ve built in touch points along the way so you always have guidance + access to the right knowledge and support.

You will not be lost in a sea of a thousand faces. Instead, you’ll get the transformational information you desire and the support you deserve.

Your questions will be answered. We will know you by name – because this high-touch program is designed with your success in mind.

Have another question you don’t see here?

We’ve got you! Just pop an email to us @ he***@je************.com and we’ll get back to you within 2 business days.

One Last Note Before You Go…

My goal is not for women to be skinny and hold less space in the world, it is for women to be the right weight for themselves and hold MORE space in the world.

I can well remember how miserable it felt to have one pair of “fat pants” and how much I hated getting dressed in the morning, but what I remember most is the pain of living my life feeling “less than.”

I was hiding in plain sight. (Perhaps you relate.)

And, while I now truly love shopping my closet, or knowing that whatever I’m going to wear is going to look amazing because I’m at a weight that feels good for me today…

What I love most is the self-confidence that I live my life with every day – and knowing that I am enough.

That’s what going on a weight loss transformation journey is all about.

Today, I run The Powter Weight Loss Academy helping women who feel just like I once did: lost, out of control, scared, alone and wondering if they’ll ever be able to look in the mirror and like what they see.

Every day they are finding to their happy surprise that they can, they do.

They’ve stopped hiding and started showing up for themselves.

And I want you to remember is this:

If they can do it, so can you.

Your courage to keep seeking a solution to be a healthier, stronger version of you is beautiful.

And I’m here to help you every step of the way.