My Vital Mindset Changes For Weight Loss

They say attitude is everything, and when it comes to lasting weight loss, I know this to be true. More specifically, your mindset when it comes to making healthy changes is critical, and it can make or break how successful you are both in the short-term and the long-term. So today, I’m going to tell you more about the mindset changes for weight loss that have helped me keep the pounds off for good.

These mindset changes were vital for my lasting weight loss success:

Mindset change number 1: I decided that I was worth the effort.

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I had to lose the mindset that being overweight was somehow acceptable or that it was something I couldn’t change. Once I made the decision that I deserved to be healthy, and at a healthy weight, everything else fell into place. Well, almost everything.

Mindset change number 2: I committed to the process.

Losing weight and keeping it off is a process, and it’s not always a linear one. Of course, there will be ups and downs, but if you commit to healthy changes in your mindset and habits, you can succeed in the long run.

I had to constantly remind myself that fast weight loss is always temporary. For my weight loss to be permanent, I had to adjust my weight loss expectations so they were also healthy. I needed to be the tortoise—slow and steady—and that has resulted in living at my ideal weight for more than 10 years after losing it.

Mindset change number 3: I let go of perfectionism.

This was a big one for me. I had to learn that being perfect is not the goal when it comes to weight loss or anything else in life. There will be setbacks, and there will be times when you fall off the wagon, but what matters is getting back up again and continuing with your journey. 

Ultimately, the key is to recommit to the process quickly and not stay lying in the proverbial “off the wagon” dieting ditch for too long.

Mindset change number 4: I stopped making excuses

I always found excuses not to exercise or eat unhealthy foods. But once I changed my mindset, I realized that those excuses were just holding me back from reaching my goals. So, I stopped making them and started taking action instead. 

I focused on what I wanted most for myself and my health in the long run instead of what I wanted most at the moment—it became way easier to say “no” to the chocolate when I did that.

Mindset change number 5: I took responsibility for my own health

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This is a tricky one for many of us, but it is also incredibly empowering. I learned that I am the only one responsible for my health and well-being. No one else can do it for me. And once I took responsibility for my own health, I could make the changes I needed to make to be successful.

Making mindset changes is not always easy, but it is definitely worth it. If you are struggling to lose weight or keep it off, consider making some mindset changes of your own. They could just be the key to your success.

Key Qualities to Embody

Next, let’s talk about the key qualities and characteristics to embody along with your mindset changes for weight loss that will help you succeed.


First, you must be ready to commit to making changes. This means being mentally and emotionally prepared to do what it takes to lose weight. If you’re not fully on board with the idea of making changes to your diet and lifestyle, then it’s going to be tough to stick with any sort of plan. Trust me, I’ve been there! (We’ll talk more about the commitment step of the process in a minute)


Secondly, you need to have a positive mindset. This doesn’t mean you have to be positive all the time – we all have our down days. But overall, your mindset needs to be one of hope and possibility, not one of despair and defeatism. When you believe that losing weight is possible for you, it becomes a lot easier to take the necessary steps to make it happen.


Of course, you also need to be motivated. But if you wait to feel motivated? Then you could wait forever. The truth is, that motivation is created through action. That means doing things you don’t always feel like doing at the moment but know are the right actions to take and will lead you toward your goal. 


Discipline is crucial when it comes to weight loss, but not in the way you think. Being disciplined does not mean white knuckling a diet or feeling like you’re living constantly deprived or restricted from foods you enjoy. It means having the discipline to take care of yourself which means making yourself and your goals a priority.



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Support comes in many ways. This could come from family and friends, a professional coach or therapist, or an online community. Whatever form it takes, it is vital to have people in your corner who believe in you and are rooting for your success.

Too many women believe that they can and should be able to tackle their weight loss goals on their own but this is one of the biggest myths out there. Going after any big goal in life requires support, and permanent weight loss is indeed a big goal.


Finally, you need to be accountable for your own actions. This means taking responsibility for your choices and being willing to face the consequences, good or bad. It also means being honest with yourself about your progress and not making excuses for slip-ups.

If you can embody these qualities, you will be well on your way to success. Remember, mindset changes are just one piece of the puzzle – but they are an essential piece. So, don’t underestimate their power!

How to Get Into Weight Loss Mode

Making mindset changes for weight loss doesn’t always happen overnight. It takes time to adjust your thinking and develop new habits. But if you’re ready to make a change, there are some things you can do to help get into the right mindset.

  • Set realistic goals: If your goal is losing 50 pounds in a month, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Not only is this goal unrealistic, but it’s also not healthy or sustainable. Instead, focus on setting small, achievable goals you can gradually build on over time.
  • Create a positive mindset: Remember, having a positive mindset is crucial for weight loss success. So, focus on creating positive affirmations and visualizations to help you believe in yourself and your ability to reach your goals.
  • Get rid of negative thoughts: If you’re constantly thinking negative thoughts about yourself, your weight, and your ability to lose weight, it’s going to be very difficult to make any progress. So, work on identifying and eliminating these thoughts so they don’t hold you back.
  • Find your motivation: What is it that is motivating you to lose weight? Is it a health scare, a desire to look and feel better, or something else? Once you know what your motivation is, use it as fuel to keep you going when things get tough. (Inspiration helps too! Check out these weight loss success stories to get inspired)
  • Develop a plan: Trying to lose weight without a plan is setting yourself up for failure. You need to have an idea of what you’re going to eat, how you’re going to exercise, and what other lifestyle changes you’re going to make. Without a plan, it’s very easy to fall off the wagon.

How to Commit to Losing Weight

Now, back to that commitment piece I mentioned earlier. If you’re not entirely committed to losing weight, it’s not going to happen. 

So, how can you make sure you’re all in?

Healthy lifestyle commitments

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If there are certain foods or drinks that you know will tempt you to engage in emotional eating/drinking, get rid of them until you build up other healthier coping mechanisms. Part of the work involved in creating a healthier lifestyle is creating healthier habits to deal with stress and emotionally triggering life situations. 

Make a plan

As I mentioned earlier, having a plan is essential for success. This means knowing what you’re going to eat when you’re going to exercise, and what other lifestyle changes you need to make. Without a plan, it’s too easy to get off track. So, take the time to sit down and map out your journey to weight loss.

Set goals

It’s helpful to set short-term and long-term goals when losing weight. Otherwise, getting discouraged is easy if you don’t see results immediately. Set realistic goals you can achieve in the short-term, and work your way up to the longer-term goals.

Make being active a priority


Too often women are trying to change everything all at once (the foods they eat, the amount they exercise) and it can easily become all too overwhelming and set you up for failure. The better way to go about this is to take the pressure off squeezing exercise into an already jam packed day and instead focus on getting more active throughout the day.

Start slow and gradually work your way up. And, if you don’t enjoy traditional forms of exercise? That’s okay! There are plenty of other ways to get active. Just find something that you enjoy and will stick with for the long term.

Learn More About My Vital Mindset Changes For Weight Loss

Making mindset changes is an integral part of successful weight loss, but it’s not the only thing you need to focus on. You also need to develop a healthy relationship with food, create a sustainable exercise routine, and find ways to cope with stress and emotional eating. But if you can get into the right mindset, you’ll be one step closer to success.

And I’m here to help! You can grab your free copy of my book “Diet Disruption” right here.

Want to work with Jen or learn more about Jennifer Powter? Get in touch today!


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