I used to be a cardio junkie!

I believed if a little exercise was good then more must be better and often that would mean I was running or cycling for hours and hours a week. But, my body never really changed and neither did the scale. So, it got me wondering – what is the best type of exercise for weight loss?

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciated the health benefits I was getting from the endurance activity I was doing but what I really wanted was to lose weight, look better in my jeans, and for my arms to look “toned” and to have a waist again. And pure cardio just wasn’t doing it.

[Tweet “Cardio is out, circuit training is in for weight loss!”]

So, I switched it up and turned to circuit training instead. Here’s a FB live post showing you one of my most favorite circuits ever (and here’s the “recipe” for it).  I absolutely LOVE it and here are the reasons why I think you will too.

Here are 5 evidence-based reasons why circuit training is the best type of exercise for weight loss:

  1. Target Different Muscle Groups So Your Overall Fitness Improves
    Circuit training is extremely efficient, because you’re able to burn more calories in less time due to a higher intensity workout. In fact, your average circuit training routine burns 30 percent more calories than your typical weight workout and offers more cardio benefits.
  1. Beat Gym Boredom
    I don’t know about you, but those indoor cardio machines at the gym are the definition of boredom in my book. 3 minutes into my treadmill routine and I am already restless. Circuit training allows you to move quickly from one exercise to the next, and prevents your mind from wandering or tuning out.
  1. Simplify Your Workout
    I know what you’re thinking, how is a routine consisting of multiple exercises simple? Because it’s a routine, and our brains thrive on rhythm, repetition and patterns. Also, circuit training gives you a higher ROI, meaning you invest less time and get more results back!  
  1. Mix Cardio and Strength Training
    A circuit training routine that combines cardio and strength moves will attack fat and sculpt your muscle. Your routine should consist of exercises that are completed in a series, one right after the other, with little or no rest in between. The strength training works your muscles, and the cardio keeps your heart rate up. Keeping your heart rate elevated is the key here, because the higher it is, the more calories you will burn.
  2. Build a Fun Workout Community
    Seriously, you can only get so competitive riding the stationary bike! Why not invite a couple of your gym pals to get in on your circuit training action? Map out your course, set a timer and go! Your competitive juices will flow, your heart rate will increase and your friends will be super impressed with your circuit design skills.  

The easiest way for you to build your own circuit training routine is to pick 3-5 exercises that you will do for one minute each. Aim for three sets to begin with, add another set as your fitness improves. Take your rest between sets. This allows you to catch your breath, your heart rate to recover and your mind to reset it’s focus. Check out my latest circuit recipe for some inspiration!


What does your routine look like? What’s your favorite exercise? Are you seeing any results? Please share in the comments below.

Make exercise something you LOVE to do, not something you punish yourself with. Click below to get instant access to my *free* ebook now.